
How to look after your mental health while job hunting

No matter where you are in your job search it’s important that you’re looking after your mental health.

Job hunting can be stress-inducing and overwhelming. Check out our tips on how you can look after your wellbeing whilst you’re looking for a job.

Have a strategy

It can be tempting to apply for any job when you’re on the job market. But this will take up a lot of your energy. And it doesn’t work because employers can tell when you’re desperately sending your CV to everyone. You should have a strategy in place and you should know what you want. How many hours do want to work and in which area? What is your salary range? Decide on a strategy and stick to it. It will also help you stay organised.

Take a break

Take some time for your mental health and do things that you enjoy. When you’re starting to feel overwhelmed, take a 10-minute break to remove yourself from the situation. Get some fresh air. You should also schedule break times into your job-hunting schedule. You will find that when you get back to it, you will find that you will be refreshed and re-energised.

Focus on yourself

Let’s be honest, we all do it. We compare our lives, bodies, careers etc. Our egos crave attention and love to compare. This can have a negative impact on your ego and mental wellbeing. The best way to stop is to focus on yourself and what you have. Remind yourself that this is all based on assumptions and perceptions, which are not always true.

Don’t take rejection personally

Rejection can put a dent in your confidence and unfortunately, it is part of the job-hunting process. Try not to dwell on it and remember to focus on the bigger picture. Accept it and move on. Try and take at the positive side- you have learned something new during the interview process. Take comfort in knowing that it was the wrong place for you and there is a much better opportunity waiting for you.

Focus on the positives

If you’re not feeling the best about yourself it can be difficult to write about how great you are. Write down one positive thing about yourself every day. Jot them down in a notebook or on your phone and every time you’re feeling down read them through and remember how great you are. Channel that positivity into your CV/cover letter.

Calming the interview nerves

Everyone gets nervous about interviews. So remember it normal to get pre-interviews jitters! Try to think of the interview as a conversation. You should be prepared when you go into the interview. Our blog post here details how to prepare for an interview. If you have an upcoming technical interview, check out our post here on how to prepare for it.

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