
Types of people at EVERY work Christmas party

You will more than likely come across these characters at your work Christmas party

It’s that time of the year again… the work Christmas party. We thought we would take a lighthearted look at the types of people you will probably encounter at a work Christmas party. Can you identify with any of these?

The Gossip

A.K.A Chatty Cathy. They’ve got a head full of secrets that they have been collecting all year and after a few drinks, they will be sharing it with anyone that will listen. They can either make the event interesting and entertaining or cause drama so be sure to approach with caution

The Secret Party Animal

This quiet unassuming member of staff will take you by surprise at the work Christmas party. At work they’re well mannered, get on with their job and mind their own business. But after work hours, they can get wild. You will probably find them in the middle of the dancefloor.

The one that doesn’t know how to handle their drink

Every office party has that one person that ends up drinking a little too much every year. They will start the festivities with a strong drink and they will claim that they know how to handle their drink (they said the same thing last year, and the year before, and the year before that, and the year… you get the point). Cut to an hour into the evening and they’re passed out on the bathroom floor.

The Hawk

They have been waiting the whole year for this moment. They are an observer and like to analyse human behaviour. You’re probably going to find them in a corner somewhere watching everyone. Watch out for this one, on Monday morning they will be reporting and bringing up everything that happened at the party.

The Scrooge

This person does not want to be there. At all. They barely make an effort, don’t speak to anyone and you will probably find them sitting next to the Hawk. They will probably only stay for an hour 2. If you don’t want to be there then don’t come!

The Creeper

The creep will be found lurking a little bit too close to someone. Gets extra flirty after a few glasses of Sauvignon Blanc. And is always out on the prowl. Watch out!

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