
4 Things You Should Tell Your Recruiter

If you’re job searching, a connection with a recruiter can help you find opportunities.

Using recruiters can be the most effective way to find a new job. There are many benefits to work working with recruitment companies. Recruiters understand the jobs market, they can improve your CV, and they can act as an agent representing you with the companies you’re interested in working with. It can be difficult to get across your professional appearance and personality in a CV and that’s where a recruitment consultant can help. If you decide to work with a recruiter, to get the best possible help you will need to provide them with all the information they need. We have put together 4 things that your recruiter needs to know about you.

What kind of jobs are you looking for?

You should have a clear idea of what kind of job you’re looking for. What would be your ideal role? How much would you want to progress in your dream role? How does that fit in with your wider career goals? You should have some clear idea of what you want to do. Let them know why you’re looking for a new role as well so that they can get a better understanding of how can help you and which type of roles would be best suited to you.

Have a pitch ready

When a recruiter presents you with a role that peaks your interests, you should have an elevator pitch ready. 30 seconds pitch about yourself, strengths, and positive attributes.  Consider it a quick summary of your CV. Write your speech down. Practice. And be ready when you get the call.

Be honest

If a recruiter brings you a role that you are not interested in, you should be honest. Being honest will save the recruiter time, money, and the heartache. Wouldn’t you rather have your recruiter spend their time and energy into getting you the right role that you want?

Be honest about what you can do. Anything you try to hide the recruiter will probably end up finding out anyway. If there is a role that calls for knowledge and skills that you don’t possess just let them know. They will work with you to find the role that is more suitable for you.

Know what your bottom line is

Let your recruiter know what kind of pay you want. You should know what your bottom line is and you should be ready to walk away from a position if it is not meeting your requirements. There is no point in interviewing for a company that cannot pay you what you want and need. You should not be afraid to ask the recruiter what the salary bracket for the position is.

Once you have started working with a recruiter keep communication with them regularly and update them on any changes in your criteria. Having a long-lasting relationship with your recruiter is important for a long-term career

If you are a current job seeker and are looking for jobs in the technology industry give us a call on 0117 927 6592

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